Friday, June 12, 2009


Well hey there world, I'm Torie. Currently a junior in highschool, 17 years old, license-less, boyfriend-less, and college-future-less.
Ok so maybe not college-future-less. I've got two more days left of highschool as a junior and then LOOK OUT, I'm gonna be a SENIOR. Even though that seems pretty damn close, I have no idea where I want to go to college, what I want to do and how I'm going to do it. I'm not dumb, but I'm not motivated. Highschool has been one HELL of a ride, if ya catch my drift.
Freshman year, I started dating this one guy. Popular, the star athlete, but always put down by everyone. He had a bit of a problem dealing with stuff and definitely had a rough life, but I "loved" him, so I put up with a lot. A year and a half went by before we just crumpled apart this year. Oh God, I was devastated by it. Crying, screaming, fighting, you name it, we did it.
A month has gone by without me talking to him at all and it has been wonderful. Ok, I admit that I tried to give him Ex-Lax so he'd shit his pants, buuuuut come on, that's funny right (;
I decided to start this just to say "WUSSUP WORLD?!?!?!" and be a complete dork.

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