Friday, June 12, 2009


Ay there hoebag. Well, this is the first OFFICIAL posteh. I'm actually really bored at the moment, stuck at home without a thing to do. It's my last friday in school for the 09 school year and then I'm a senior. Considering my Junior year was plagued with SHIT, I'm really looking forward to my senior year. A lot of the people in my school are a tad bit fake, to the point where I never know who is my friend and who is just smiling between their teeth. I just wish people at my school could get along. We're pretty small, the smallest school in our county and yet we are probably the rudest people ever. Life here is just a big old popularity contest, where the only way you'll win is by smoking up and drinking it down. Personally, I'd rather be uncool than be pathetic like that. You don't have to believe me, it's okay. I'm not straightedge because I have had sex (with only one person, thank you very much) and I have had a few drinks in my life, but they were with family. I have never gone out to get drink with some assholes I barely know. I'll save that for next year and this summer, thank you very much.

SO I have to tell you about the funniest damn thing I have ever seen. It's this guy on youtube, screen-name makemebad35, and he is hilarious. My favorite videos are The Homosexual Ghost and You're Mental! Whoever goes and watches that just because of this, PLEASE give me you're opinion on the matter (:

Hmm. A lot of my friends are off to senior week now, and it's a little depressing. I can't drive, I work, and my parents wouldn't let me go. I mean, I can live without, but all my senior friends are going and they're the only ones I really hang out with. Hm. I suppose I shall have to reconnect with my old friends. But hey, that's what friends are for, right?

Hilariosity of the day: "WHO ATE MY FUCKIN' BANANAS?!"

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