Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cable Guy?

Today was rather eventful. Working at Martins (it's GIANT'S clone) from 12-4 was "fun", especially the 40-year-old dude with the wart-growth on his eye hitting on me. Yay... I must have a sticker that welcomes old guys to hit on me. I don't get it. I can't get any young hot guys to hit on me, just oldies. Other than that, work was work. Got an amazingly amazing check ($113 for 4 days a week?!) and then spent it on beauty products. Us girls need to look good (:

When I got home, it was raining incredibly hard. I thought maybe we were in a rainforest until I remembered that I didn't leave the U.S. Unfortunately the cable went out, but we were watching KILL BILL VOLUME 2 and have it on DVD so we were able to finish it no prob. At about 6, it still wasn't on . On Demand wasn't working either, so I decided to call 'em up.

Let me just say that the Armstrong people are always so nice. I had a technician named Tim and he tried his best to fix our cable. A girl friend of mine came over and we were on the phone with Tim from about 7:30 until about 9:30, doing almost everything imaginable to make the cable work. Unplug it, plug it, screw it, unscrew it. Turn it on, turn it off. It was insane! Nothing was working.

So while we were waiting, we started to talk to Tim. He's a Steeler's fan and owns Pineapple Express and has never seen Animal House. I have a feeling that we were the best customers for him tonight (: Tim is now my hero of all my technicians. I mean, he didn't fix the cable, but my mom did. So I had to call Tim back (and wait on hold for about 10 minutes at 10PM wft) and he was like:
"You have been redirected to Tim, how may I help you?"
"Hi Torie, how's the cable?"
"It's working!! My mom fixed it!"
"Awesome! Go to on demand and see if Dark Knight is playing."
"OK!" (awkward moment of silence as I push buttons on my broken remote. *thinking*) "Hey, can I order a new remote?"
"Of course you can. Well, is it damaged at all or just old?"
"...If it's damaged, is it free?"
"No actually if it's damaged there's a fee."
"Oh ok then it's fine."

SO now I have a new remote on the way, a new best friend and working cable.
Today was an accomplishment. (:

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