Sunday, June 14, 2009

AHH Good Shit

Well I had to get up at about 8AM today to take my hair out of its pigtails to see if they curled right. Hey, guess what? They didn't, ha. I looked like a poodle. Eff my life. SO I just decided to wash it, put some gel in it and throw it up in a clip and head to good ol' Martins.

It was kind of busy today, but more of a blotched busy. I hate not having baggers, or when the customer doesn't bag. What the fuck are you doing?! You obviously are not doing a damn thing so stop acting like you are! It is such a pet peeve and I cannot stand it. OR when the people don't look at the LIGHT that shows what aisle-thing you are. If they light is ON, I am open. If it is OFF, I am closed. Simple as that.

After work, I had to wait a few minutes for the Padre to pick me uip, so I bought a book. Blood Noir I think it is? I dunno, but the first few chapters are just vampire-sex-orgy. Normally I'm okay with that, but come on. I'd like to know the story before getting all orgy-fied.

Home was a bit better, but when I took the clip outta my hair, wow. It was a giant mess, but I decided to just curl it tomorrow and pull half of it up. Good deal? (:
I watched this movie called Defiance with the padre and abuelo, and I have to say it was pretty good.

Little side note: DO NOT TAKE YEARBOOK. It is such a headfuck.

Anyway, the movie was bitchin' and then I started watching The Dark Knight. That's over and I'm about to watch TRUE BLOOD. I could have a mindgasm. I have to say, I love these vampire things. I hated the movie Twilight, but I definitely am smitten by the books. Except the last one. Sorry.

3 minutes til TRUEBLOOD. Adios!

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