Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ballsacks Glowing on a Rainbow.

Hey there people. I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while; tumblr sort of...kidnapped me.

So, here's some news:
• Brandon came home this weekend.
• We met a lot of new family members.
• Saw Jackass 3D
• Got my back scratched

And a lot more things that I cannot recall. It was sooo nice having Brandon home. I hadn't seen him in two months (which is a hike for us). Thankfully, we're getting married in December :D  So no more being alone!! I cannot wait until I start my life with this boy; he truly is an amazing person, and I am blessed to have him.

So I watched the Rocky Horror Glee Show tonight aaaaand I loved it. But I love all things musical. Mr. Shue is one hot piece of ass and is definitely a TILF. I just....gah. I can't handle the Shuester. Just om nom nom.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It'a raining, it's pouring
The old man is snoring
He went to bed & bumped his head
And couldn't get up in the morning

I'm sorry for my lack of posts everyone. I've moved to tumblr, but I'll try to keep this alive.What's new, what's new... I'm rather obsessed with The Princess & the Frog after watching it the other day. It's such an amazingly cute movie :3
On our 8 month anniversary, B and I decided to go to Longwood Gardens. It was absolutely positively lovely. I haven't been there in years. It was so nice to go again, on such a lovely day. I definitely want to have a garden when I get my own home, with a lovely fountain and a little place for hummingbirds. (:
God. This is like ripping out teeth. When I have something to write about, I will.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ol' MacDonald had a Zoo

Ee eye ee eye zoo ^_^  The absolute sweetest boy in the whole wide word finally came home this weekend! The last time I saw him was one horrible month ago, so we decided to go to the Philadelphia Zoo. We went to the Baltimore Aquarium for our first date, so why not try the Zoo this time? It was a lovely 82 degrees, partly cloudy, with a lovely breeze. I think the first animal we saw was... the kangaroos? NO, wait, it was the Rare Animal Exhibit :D  There were so many little adorable thingers; the first was a fruit bat and then it was just a lot  more little primate-type creatures. This little guy to the left was taking a poop in the first picture, and then he did this. I felt so bad for him... Poor little monkey thing... He either didn't want to be there, or he was afraid of all the people.. Or both. It made me want to set him free. And I wonder if some animals really enjoy the zoo, like our pets enjoy life. They never have to worry about rival animals trying to take over their territory, running out of food or water, and they'll always be taken care of when they're sick. A lot of their exhibits aren't even caged... The only cages I remember seeing is for the birds, or outside exhibits for monkeys. The rest had really deep mote-like things so the animals couldn't jump or anything. They seemed like really nice exhibits.. Oh well. I wanted to buy something that would help with animals, but I didn't know if all the money went to a donation and I didn't see any signs, so I bought a magnet. Sorry animals... The Zoo should make it a lot  easier to donate moneys.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Sorry about the lack of posts! (Not like anyone follows anywayy..) So I'm thinking about changing the blog's name. I'm starting a new part of my life, and I think the blog needs to reflect that. I only have one more year as a teen, and, the way this is going, I'm going to have a life as a Navy Wife. Well... hmm.. part of my life will be as a Navy Wife. B isn't going career (yet), so the next 4 years will be spent as a Navy "Significant-Other"; who knows if any of those years will be as a wife? I think it's too soon to say that yet. Then again, a lot of military couples marry young.. And it's already been eight months. Wow. Can you believe it? Eight months already. I still can't believe it. It seems like December was only a few weeks away. There is only one thing I would change about our relationship: I wish I would have had a job sooner. The military thing doesn't bother me; it's the fact that I can't visit him as often that kills. Meh.
 He's coming home this weekend, so I'm really excited to see him. We will be going to the zoo on Saturday :D I can't wait to get my face painted!! I think I'm getting the mask from The Incredibles painted on :3
Okay, okay... things that have happened lately... Lots of True Blood & Degrassi !! I know, weird combination, huh? I love the vampires & weres of TB and I love all the stupid drama of Degrassi. Though they differ in so many different ways, but I fall in love with the characters! I'm a hopeless romantic, so I crave the cute awkwardness of the Degrassi couples, but I love love love vampires & whatnot so I'm drawn to True Blood.
okay this is getting painful. i'll write tomorrow.