Thursday, July 29, 2010


Sorry about the lack of posts! (Not like anyone follows anywayy..) So I'm thinking about changing the blog's name. I'm starting a new part of my life, and I think the blog needs to reflect that. I only have one more year as a teen, and, the way this is going, I'm going to have a life as a Navy Wife. Well... hmm.. part of my life will be as a Navy Wife. B isn't going career (yet), so the next 4 years will be spent as a Navy "Significant-Other"; who knows if any of those years will be as a wife? I think it's too soon to say that yet. Then again, a lot of military couples marry young.. And it's already been eight months. Wow. Can you believe it? Eight months already. I still can't believe it. It seems like December was only a few weeks away. There is only one thing I would change about our relationship: I wish I would have had a job sooner. The military thing doesn't bother me; it's the fact that I can't visit him as often that kills. Meh.
 He's coming home this weekend, so I'm really excited to see him. We will be going to the zoo on Saturday :D I can't wait to get my face painted!! I think I'm getting the mask from The Incredibles painted on :3
Okay, okay... things that have happened lately... Lots of True Blood & Degrassi !! I know, weird combination, huh? I love the vampires & weres of TB and I love all the stupid drama of Degrassi. Though they differ in so many different ways, but I fall in love with the characters! I'm a hopeless romantic, so I crave the cute awkwardness of the Degrassi couples, but I love love love vampires & whatnot so I'm drawn to True Blood.
okay this is getting painful. i'll write tomorrow.

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