Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hai Everybotty!

Hai Doctor Nick! >:3   So yeah it's been a while, I'm sorry! Honestly, I've had a lot on my mind, with little time to sit down ehre & type it all out. Let's just start off with a lovely: holy shit it's hot out. Yeah. I have a new car (Chevy Chobalt ftwww) that comes with a little green temperature thingy. It's gotten up to 101. Guh. Can we, possibly, chill with this crazy weather right now? Let's have a nice summer storm[:
Hmm, what's happened lately... Well, I got a tattoo! Oh I never told you about the Fourth of July weekend extravaganzah! B gets home around 12 Thursday night, we fall asleep aaand leave for the beach at 11 on Friday. His little car has absolutely no air conditioning, just so you can all appreciate my pain. Also, no radio. So we drive for a good four hours, in and out of traffic, before finally making it to the beach. While driving down, we passed a tattoo place & B got this goofy grin and said, "Do you wanna get tattoos this weekend?!" and gave me this "omigodomigodomigod" smile. Normally, I'd have been all, "Guh we don't have the moneyz", but you should have seen the look that boy gave me. You couldn't say no to it! (Well, I couldn't..) There was one problem though; he had no idea what he wanted. I said I'd get one too, but only if he knew what he wanted. I thought he was going to start dancing right there, he was so excited. But that wouldn't happen until the next day so, moving onnn...
We only stayed at the beach for poshibly two hours, but B got a parking violation because we were parked in one spot for too long. I did not get it that water, for starters. I was thinking about it, but once B jumped in and I spotted a lovely jellyfish, I was life "Fuck that shit." I love the ocean and everything, but not when things that can kill me are swimming around in it. So, after that, we got some 5 Guys and headed to our beach house thing.
Okay, Saturdayy. I had to hound this boy of mine to call the freaking tattoo place to make sure we could go. He decided to get his last name down his side, and I decided to get a picture I found a la the internet. It's two birds flying together, and it was kind of inspired by the quote, "Without love, we are but birds with broken wings."  Okay, it was probably the most painful experience everrrr. On a scale from 1-10, it was a solid 7.5, and the hip bone a 9. The guy who did the tattoo had to be about 4 foot even, and he wasn't much of a talker, but I was completely fine with that. I was making faces, but not for the camera; B's little brother was taking pictures of us and I'm smiling in my picture while B cringing away. Poor skinny thing ahahaha. I'm sorry for laughing at his pain >.< Well all, I don't have much to write about other than that. I went shopping with Mommacita today, bought some new clothes and hopefully I'll be getting a job soon! I love you all! :D

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