Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ballsacks Glowing on a Rainbow.

Hey there people. I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while; tumblr sort of...kidnapped me.

So, here's some news:
• Brandon came home this weekend.
• We met a lot of new family members.
• Saw Jackass 3D
• Got my back scratched

And a lot more things that I cannot recall. It was sooo nice having Brandon home. I hadn't seen him in two months (which is a hike for us). Thankfully, we're getting married in December :D  So no more being alone!! I cannot wait until I start my life with this boy; he truly is an amazing person, and I am blessed to have him.

So I watched the Rocky Horror Glee Show tonight aaaaand I loved it. But I love all things musical. Mr. Shue is one hot piece of ass and is definitely a TILF. I just....gah. I can't handle the Shuester. Just om nom nom.

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