Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It'a raining, it's pouring
The old man is snoring
He went to bed & bumped his head
And couldn't get up in the morning

I'm sorry for my lack of posts everyone. I've moved to tumblr, but I'll try to keep this alive.What's new, what's new... I'm rather obsessed with The Princess & the Frog after watching it the other day. It's such an amazingly cute movie :3
On our 8 month anniversary, B and I decided to go to Longwood Gardens. It was absolutely positively lovely. I haven't been there in years. It was so nice to go again, on such a lovely day. I definitely want to have a garden when I get my own home, with a lovely fountain and a little place for hummingbirds. (:
God. This is like ripping out teeth. When I have something to write about, I will.

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