Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hate Crime or Religion.

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Oh my freaking goodness. I am so sick and tired of hearing all of this religious bull-crap promoting hate! You know what? Fuck you. If you have a problem with people, stop hiding behind your Bible and just say it: you're prejudice. Be it racism, homophobia, whatever, people use the Bible as an excuse to hate. You wanna see what happens when Religion gets out of hand?

Yeah. I went there. 9/11 was a religious thing. Just because it's written and spoken in Arabic doesn't mean that Christians are different. In fact, they aren't. Do I have to put a picture of the Westboro Baptist Church up here?

Well I did anyway. Yeah. That pretty much says it all. The Bible says a lot of things, and a lot of people take it as "Oh, so this is how I need to live." NO! These aren't RULES, they're guidelines. If somebody is listening to a certain kind of music, and you think the Bible says you shouldn't listen to it, then just don't listen to it. Don't you dare try telling that person that what they are doing is wrong. No. It isn't. James 4:11 says, "Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?" See. Right there. Who are you to judge your neighbor. You are nobody. You aren't Christ, you aren't God, you're not even a disciple. You are nobody. I am so sick and tired of listening to people try and tell me what I can do and who I'm allowed to be. If I want to be gay, then so be it. If I want to listen to heavy metal, so be it. If I want to eat meat, and be angry at God and yell and scream and just be miserable, so be it. I can be whoever I want, because you will never be the judge of me. You aren't God. I'll let Him decide if I was a good person. If my only crime was loving another person.... There's something wrong with this world. If you don't stop and take a look at what you're preaching, this world is going to become involved in one giant religious battle, just like the middle east. We need to tolerate our fellow peers; use your knowledge to promote love, not hate. I understand nobody will like everybody, but we all deserve a chance at a perfect life. Every problem within the world can be traced back to religion. Racism, something still very large in the 21st century, comes from the Bible. According to the white settlers, the blacks weren't considered human and I'm sure they had their fair share of Bible quotes.
Look at the Salem Witch Trials. Look at the deaths in India betweens Muslims and Hindus. Look at World War II! Look at the war we're in right now. Everything right now is about religion, about the radical muslims, how they hate everyone who doesn't believe what they believe. They are no better than the people who judge and push hate through the Bible.
Gah.. My rant is done. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone; I'm just sick of people promoting hate through something that isn't even factual.

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