Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sometimes I Wonder Where You Are

Ahhhh. The rightful order has been restored (:  B is finally out of bootcamp! Can I get a group woot? "WOOT!" Thanks to everyone who contributed to that woot ahahaha. Graduation Weekend was absolutely amazing. My mother & I got to Chicago sometime Thursday and spent the day sleeping lol. We were up really early for the flight, and when we finally got there we were just ridiculously tired. Not to mention we had to get up at 5AM for B's graduation!
So Friday morning rolls around, we get up, we do our thing and make it into the Navy Base at around 7:30. The ceremony doesn't begin until 9 and we don't get to physically touch him until 10:30! UGH!!! Let me just say, with the Crying Asian Baby goin' for most of the ceremony & not being able to see our man, that ceremony took for EVER! I've never wanted to jump into a crowd of people so much before. We just waited 2 months to see this boy, don't prelong the moment any more assholes.... -_-"
Then, at about 10:45, we got the all-call for Liberty Weekend and people were just running for those poor sailors. I tried following my mother by crawling over the bleachers, but my heels made that difficult; I had to hold on to B's younger brother just to keep my balance hahaha. As soon as we made it to the crowd, we lost B. I'm a short girl to begin with, and in a sea of 600+ people, we were pretty much screwed. Thank goodness for my mother, or I would have never found him; I heard her say, "Oh, there he is!", looked and saw him. I've never felt like I was going to explode glitter until that point in my life. As soon as I hugged him, I couldn't stop kissing him. Everyone else was finally finding us, trying to get their way in to hug him too. Poor thing teared up a little on us (:
The next three days were pretty much spent in the same area, close to the Gurnee Mall (which is huge), either shopping or catching movies. I can honestly say I have never felt so happy to have somebody back in my life. He means so much to me; he's more than just my boyfriend. He's my best friend, the guy I can go to about anything, the only person who can make fun of me while making me feel amazing at the same time. I don't know what I'd do without him in my life. I guess just be the way I was when he was gone for 2 months; cut off, depressed for periods of time.. just not me.
I'm sorry this is kind of short; I've been on here for hours & it's taken a toll on my brain stem.

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