Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Ground Swallows the Caterpillar's Pleas

Hmm, hey there guys. It's been a while, hasn't it? Nothing too exciting has happened yet; I saw Kick-Ass the other day (it was very awesome) and I GET TO SEE B ON FRIDAY!! Aren't you excited?! I know I am! God, it;s been 2 months since I've seen that awesome face of his ^_^ He's supposed to be calling sometime today or tomorrow & I cannot wait. I've been getting butterflies all this week; during the school day, I just wait for the bell to ring & will the hours to go by faster.
I'm still scared about the flight, but that's just me hating airplanes. I even Googled some statistics on my chances of crashing or having a terrorist on my flight & my chances of survival seem really good. Then again, with my luck, I've just jinxed myself. I wish I had a jet pack or something... Something I could use to fly myself there. It's the thought of not being in control that scares me the most, I think. Like, if something goes wrong, I'm screwed. There's nothing I can do to save myself if the plane wants to die. I just gotta hang on & hope that, somehow, I make it.

So, since I've told you all about my fears of flying, I figured I'd let you in on some humor. While driving up to see Kick-Ass, my friend H & I were talking about various topics, as we do. Our conversation turned to guys & how some of them don't shave their junk. I told her how I absolutely refused to do anything to a guy who didn't do some manscaping, and she agreed. She said how there was a hair-limit on what she would do, considering the length of said pubes. I agreed. "See, if it's like little fuzzies or something, that's one story. But if he has some crazy bush, like a fuckin' mythological forest down there, I'm not goin' near it. I'll see a little leprechaun down there, jumpin' up and down goin', 'Ho-ho, don't eat mah pot of gold, ho ho!'" to which she looked over at me, took a second and started laughing hysterically. I didn't mean for it to be so funny, but the more we thought about it, the funnier it was. In fact, it became the joke of the night.

I wish I had more exciting news for everyone. After I finish this, I'll probably start packing. I don't think I'll be getting a phone call from B tonight. Guess that means I'll get a call tomorrow "/

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