Sunday, April 4, 2010

I Would Wrap You in the Heavens

Bahhh. Well, my emo-fest is over for now ahaha (: I finally started getting letters from B and so far, I've even received two phone calls! It's the most exciting thing when he calls me. The first time, I saw a weird 800 number, but I answered on the small whim it may be him.
"Uhh yeah..."
"Guess who."
"AHHH OMG B AHHHH"- crashing out of the living room and jumping into my room.

Yeah, I'm a total nerd haha. He was able to talk for 20 minutes that time, but the next time he called it was only for 10. I mean, I'm not complaining at all; he could talk for 3 minutes and I'd be happy just to hear him.  A lot of people don't seem to realize that I do love B. Yes, I know we've only been together for 3 months and I honesly didn't want to rush into anything with anyone after the crap I went through last year. When you spend every single hour with somebody, you can't help it when you fall in love with them. We rushed into our relationship because we knew he was leaving. I think a lot of it was because we didn't realize that we'd stay together through bootcamp. Sometimes I think maybe being together so much may screw us later in life, but I really hope not. I feel like my mother in this situation; I can tolerate my alone-time without B, while he wants to spend every second together. Before you take me wrong, let me clarify: sometimes I just want to sit in my room, listen to music & have some time to myself. This is B's first big-time relationship; not mine. I went through this last year, and with a horrible outcome. I get skeptical if we'll really be together forever, but even if we do break up, I know that I want him in my life still. He's the best person ever, and that's the only way I can describe it. A lot of our differing opinions comes with our age; he's already 20 while I'm only 18. It may not seem like such a big difference,  but it is. I still feel so young, like I shouldn't even be thinking about marriage. I expect that to change soon enough. Just because I'm being realistic about not expecting too much right now doesn't mean any girl can try to weasle their way between us. I've already dealt with two crazy girls & I'm prepared to take on a million more. Grr!

Since today is Easter, Happy Easter! I'm going over to B's folks' home to hang out, and tomorrow my folks & I are going to see Clash of the Titans! I'm so pumped, you have no idea. :D  Hmm. It's only 19 days until we see B again. (:  Yes, I am keeping track religiously.  Ha, life sucks without the boy. I told you: he's my best friend, the best boyfriend I could ever ask for & the best person I've ever met. I guess I'm just that lucky.

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