Saturday, May 29, 2010

Modern Day Witches.

You know, I've been reading a lot of Mitch Albom's books lately, and they've been putting me in such a good mood.
And then it gets ruined by one person. Now, to each his own and everything, but how can anyone agree with anything Africa does religiously? Africa, notorious for AIDS, is probably one of the most tragic places to raise a child. If that child is gay, they can be killed. If that child is an albino, they will be killed and eaten (because it cures AIDS), and if somebody in the family happens to die, that child can be blamed and called a witch. I just watched a documentary about Africa's "Witch Children" and I cried. It absolutely breaks my heart to watch children get tortured for anything, from bankruptcy to a death in the family. I watched a 5 year old girl wander miles from her home because her family disowned her. I watched a younger girl scream and cry because a man was threatening to slaughter her with a machete later that night. I watched a baby, younger than 2, get abandoned because some "Prophetess" told her mother she was a witch.

The fact that Christians actually believe that putting people in jail for how they feel is right is just... horrible. "Oh, you have blonde hair? Death sentence!" What the fuck people. Can't you just accept others? I wish there was a way I could help all those childrens; in fact, I would love to adopt all those poor little innocent children, but I can't. I also can't travel to Africa to help them because, well, I don't have those means.

The best I can do, right now, is let people know the Hell that is here, right on Earth, and to try to stop this from spreading from Africa. The next thing we'll be doing is drinking the blood of babies because that cures arthritis.

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