Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Endings;;

Hola folks! I never thought I'd be here, typing on my new laptop, getting ready to take the very last finals I'll ever take in high school. That's right everyone; I am graduating! Class of 2010 here we go! I cannot wait to get out of this tiny ass town with all of these tiny people. All anyone does around here is complain about everyone else or worry about other peoples' business. I guess that's what you get for living around here. There's cow tipping, pot smoking, lots of sex and gossip. It's kind of like Gossip Girl without all the glamour.

So, since I've been rather, uhm, late in writing, let me tell you how yesterday was: SHIT. I bought a wireless router for my new laptop since we don't have wifi at my house, and when I tried to hook it up, it just would not work. I tried for at least four hours to try to get that stupid effing thing to work and I finally gave up after my dad & my uncle (who works for a computer company) couldn't figure it out. I take it back & get a different one and, wala! It works in about 5 minutes. -_-' But today has been oddly perfect: I don't have money for breakfast at school & I find out we're having a party for my one class; we get to watch the most amazing movie in my next class ( Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!); my friend gave me an anchor SillyBand; my router works &  B got an 84% on his one quiz for school so he can come home whenever he wants now! Goodness you guys[: OH! And, since I'm trying to move out there with B, I've been looking into taking online courses for college AND there is about a 75% chance of me going[: [: [: i am so effing PUMPED! :D
So guys, this is it. I'm growing up. No more chores; now they're called "responsibilities". I'm gonna try to move in with B & that is going to completely fuck us. Our wallets are going to be crying every single night "/ I'm going to get a full time and, with B's paycheck, we're going to be barely scraping by but hopefully we'll make it. Not to mention I plan on getting my Associate Degree in Business within 15 months[:  That will help us so much.

Well, that's all folks. I'll probably be back more often, now that I have my ownnn laptop<3

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