Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Birds with Broken Wings

Tres Dias!! ^_^ It's really coming down to the last few days amigos! Ahh, I cannot wait to be out of this school. I mean, the school isn't too bad; it's the people who are really annoying. Freshmen who try to be gangster, juniors who come to school drunk, just a whole lot of small-town people. Honestly, I used to go to day care with a younger girl and now all she does is curse and smoke pot and thinks she's cool. All these town people want out of life is drama. Can't we all just stop worrying about what other people are doing? No, I suppose not.

So I've been reading this book about zombies and... uh... yeah. They're scary. They're probably my biggest fear, other than the end of the world. Yeah yeah shut up. I'm sorry, I can't help it! I'm always afraid of everything "/ From some sneezing old man to a coughing baby. I just can't deal with sheeet.

Hmm. There really isn't much to talk about tonight. It's just a very lazy Tuesday at home, the family watching Wheel of Fortune with the windows open to let the nice summer air in. I'll update this tomorrow everyone[:

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