Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm leaving on a Jet Pl-Train....

Well folks, I'm a graduate[:  have been for about a week now. I mean, it isn't as glorious and fabulous as I'd have hoped, but what else could I expect? I didn't go to Senior Week; why would I want to spend a whole week with the children I spent 4 years of High School with? There's a reason I'm glad to be out of that school. Instead, I'm here in Connecticut with B for the weekend. We're staying at a hotel, just us, having a nice weekend to ourselves.

Let's start on Friday; I took a 5 hour train ride to get here (UGH). It had to have been at least 50 degrees on that effing train. Who the fuck runs the temperature on that bitch? Whoever it is, here's a note: turn the fucking thing UP. I swear I could almost see my breath. The ride itself wasn't so bad; I was reading a book the whole time &, since it was in the morning, there were no weirdos on it. Unfortunately, when I go back home tomorrow night, I'm anticipating some freaks.
So after the train ride, B & I get some food & call a taxi to take us to the hotel. (We don't have a car...) We settle in & decide we need food, so we call another taxi & they drive us up to the Stop & Shop. Since it was only about a mile away & we didn't want to spend the $5 on the cab, we decided to walk. NEVER WALK ANYWHERE IN FLIP FLOPS. My fucking feet are dead. I have huge blisters on the balls of my feet & every time I walk they scream at me. Not to mention that the bathroom doors here are so close to the fucking toilet that when I tried opening the door after peeing, the door decided to have some pinkie-toe-skin for dinner. That fucking hurt. So my feet? They hate me. I've been walking around in these white, fuzzy Candie slippers &, even though they look like something even a princess wouldn't wear, they are so fucking comfy. I'll be wearing these bitches on the train.

Today (Saturday), B & I decide to go to the mall to look at promise rings & whatnot. When we get there, we don't see anything we like. I'm wearing moccasins, 'cause I only brought flip flops & those, and we walk around for a good 2 hours & blow all our money. Yup. Thank god for amazing boyfriends though; our last purchase? A good pair of Pumas & some socks[:  I mean, if my pinkie-toe still existed, the shoes wouldn't hurt at all lol. I bought B a Nintendo DSI since he's been wanting one for a while & he was really surprise by that. I figured hey, fuck it, this isn't the dress rehearsal. We also bought Treasure Planet & The Sword in the Stone and watched those today. OH, and we layed by the pool too. It was weird; the only people allowed in were military people & their families. It was like looking into my future, somewhat... All of the families were so...old. Every man there had to be 30+ and had kids from infants to teens going into high school. I guess it's because they were traveling throughout the years that either they didn't settle down before or they weren't home to make babies. I won't have that problem; B is going for his 5 years & then probably only staying as a recruiter. Don't get me wrong, it's great to be with a serviceman, but I want a family within the next 10 years. Yeah yeah, I'm young & blah blah blah, but if you were me & had somebody who was this in love with you & who you were this in love with, you'd understand. Not to mention, we're flat fucking broke. If we were married, we'd be able to live on base as well as get more mula for it.

Right now B is fighting with his new Pokemon HeartGold & I'm about to clean this place up a little so we can sleep in tomorrow. (He's very angry with his game...) For some reason my left arm is killing me, so I'm hoping it will be better for tomorrow. No reason other than it hurts like a mother fucker hahaha. Hopefully I'll be getting a car sometime this week & B is coming down in about 2 weeks for the 4th of July, where I'll be going to the beach with him & his family. I really do love them all. I'm about to go sit on his lap, snuggle up to him & lead him to bed so he can relax while I clean. Ya know, I like being a "mom" of the house. It's not so bad. Well, it isn't now. I don't have any bills to pay or anything right now, but the cleaning & all doesn't bother me. My family tries to call me a dirt bag cause my room can get kind of messy, but that's all. I mean, okay, I don't do chores around the house, but honestly? The only reason is because I never know what needs to be done. If they ask me to do it, I always do. I don't keep track of what they do, so how will I know what needs to be done? I'm not psychic.

Well people, I'm off to tidy up. Please follow me, whore me out to your friends & I'll do the same. Much love[:

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