Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ol' MacDonald Had a Farm...

Ee Eye Ee Eye Oh! [:  Waking up at around 10, I didn't think my day would amount to much. That's usually how summers without a car or job goes... Anyway, one of my friends decided to call me up & see if I would like to accompany them to get their naval pierced. I agreed, and off we went! Now, I already have my bellay pierced, but I figured I could go take some pictures since I never saw it done before. It really didn't look too bad. When I got it done, it felt like a really big  kid pinching and twisting the area, and it stung for a bit. The second time I had it done (had to get it re-pierced thanks to the ass-hole who decided to drink beer & then drive around) it hurt, enough to make me curl my toes, but I didn't tear up or anything. It's not a lovely sight though, lemme tell you that. It's kind of grotee, and a little weird looking, and it is not for the faint of heart. The piercer told us that men are the ones who usually faint. Teh fuck guys? You're supposed to be big and bad and you can't even handle a little belly button ring? Pshhh. Pussayyy! ;D I did buy a belly ring for myself; three actually! One is marble ish (the one I put in), another is pinkish & the other is a pink gem deal.After the piercing, we went back home & watched a little movie called  One Hour Photo I think. Robin Williams is the star and he plays some pyscho-obsessed photo man. I dunno. It was pretty fucking weird. Then we watched Disaster Date for a whle, as I played Pokemon & tried to defeat the stupid fucking Kimono Girls. What stupid bitches, am I right? I can't use a god damn thing on them! The first two, Espeon and something else completely fuck my pokemon's asshole. I can handle the others (Jolteon is who I'm stuck on now) but I just cannot win. I must level my manz up! B is kicking my ass in the game; he's had it for a fucking week & is as far on it as I am. Tehfuck!? I should be proud for him but mehhh :p B was in a volleyball tournament thing today for somebody leaving? I dunno, but he was pwning major ass. That cute sailor o mine n_n He makes me so happy. And very proud. While his friends are being cocks and trying to hump every slut ass that walks around, my man is scoffing at those girls and thinking, "My chick bad, my chick hood, my chick do stuff that yo chick wish she could!"  Naww I joke, I joke [:  But he is good with not checking the other girls out. At least, that's what he tells me. Maybe I'm stupid in believing him, but I hope not. I really hope he's true in what he says, that he does love me as much as he says, and that he isn't like his friends. (No offense to any reading this >.> except Purcell, you're a dick.  )  Anyway, B's little friend from bootcamp is finally with him in school! It's so cute, isn't it? [: Oh I keep forgetting the story. So after the movie & some dinner, we went for ice cream where a rather rude little bitch
 took my oroder in a very "Ugh hi" manner. If you can't be nice to everyone, don't work with people honey. [:  But I did get some premium ice cream as well as some lovely pictures oooofff.... baby animals! Well I got pictures of adult animals too.. >.> The cutest animals are at this place, and the baby cows always try to lick my hands. Meh. Cow tongues are gross and black and slimy (haaa that's what she said!). The goats always fight, and the big horse always kicks the small horses' ass. I hate that fucking horse. He's a dick. He wants everything for himself, nothing for the other horses. You know in Black Beauty how the horses get along so well and they frolick together? Not these assholes. They all fight with each other.
After the horse fights, we went back home, I read a little book & now here I am, relaxing at home watching Gladiator while PapaBear sleeps ahaha. We're waiting for MamaCita to get home. Then they'll go to bed, I'll eat some Coco Puffs & I'll be doing nothing tomorrow. Adios everyone!


  1. lol i love reading your blog, and then i read the "rude little bitch," part and i remember you & sarah coming in that day and i'm luckily pretty certain i'm not that rude bitch who took your order phahah.

  2. hahaha nahh it wasn't you[:
