Friday, June 25, 2010

Joy of Joys, Dream of Dreams!

Today started out like any other day. I ordered my new phone last night, the samsung reality. It replaced my horrible Blackberry, the worst phone in the freaking world. I suppose, in all honesty, it isn't that bad of a phone. No, wait, it is. It's really a mini computer that can call people. It is the biggest piece of shit ever. No signature, no good camera, nothing.
Surprise for me, my new phone came today! My memory card for my old phone doesn't fit, but that's fine. I have a pretty good camera, signatures,everything a normal camera has. I absolutely love it. [:  It's fun to take pictures with too. It's all kinds of reflecty and whatnot.

As you can see from the picture, I've stopped wearing make up. It's probably because I don't go anywhere, but I kind of like it. It's a liberating feeling. I'm starting to like myself the way I am, hair fucked up, no make up on and about 115 lbs. Yeah, I've fluctuated between hating my body and loving it, but right now, I really like it. I still want to maybe get myself more toned, not so flabby, but I'm not as flabby as a lot of people so yay for me n_n  I think I'm going to start walking tomorrow, as well as jump roping for, like, an hour (total), and lifting weights. No more junk food for me for a while! Well... that's a lie. I'm going to the beach soon with B & we'll probably stuff ourselves full of shit food. But I will try to keep it to a minimum [:

I'm so close to the Elite Four in Pokemon SoulSilver. It's so super awesome. Unfortunately, my pokemanz aren't up to level yet. ;-;  It's a tragedy...

ALSO I think I'm going to dye my hair lighter. I'm thinking along the lines of Marilyn Monroe or Meryl Streep from Death Becomes Her. Maybe too blonde? I have no idea. My biggest fear is always my eyebrows. They're brown, but when I look at Marilyn and Meryl, they both have dark eyebrows. Well, not Meryl so much... But, that's beside the point. And I'm not sure if I like being tan either... I really don't know. I'd also love to have my hair longer, but that's just time right there. It definitely got a lot longer in the past few months [: Which means that a few months from now, it will be even longer! I'm starting to be able to use little wavy products on my hair. Like that Toussle Me Softly stuff. It really works n_n  As long as your hair is long enough. Growing up nowadays puts a toll on us teenagers. Maybe I'm just weak, but people's opinions used to matter a lot to me. And now? All I care about is if B thinks I'm beautiful. I sent him a picture of me today, no make up on, hair a damn wreck, and he still thought I was gorgeous. I don't know how but he did. My folks worry that maybe he'll turn out the other guys, but I really hope he doesn't. I think he's sincere in what he does & says, and I don't think he'll hurt me on purpose. The things he says to me just make me giggle, to make me smile when I feel like the absolute worst person in the world, wha he does just to make sure I smile once a day...
Yeah, he's amazing. [:    Well folks, that's all for now. I applied at a bank today, so pray that I get this job!

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