Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Signed, Anonymous.

Oh sleeping in, you are my best friend :3 I haven't slept in since the beginning of school; thank the good lord above for summer! Unfortunately, since I don't have a car, these days are pretty wasted. I scrounge for a job, & as much as I try to find one, since I don't have a car... It's like one of those stupid commercials about not having any skills and not going to school and not having a job. >.> Bah...

So, since I had nothing to do today, I scoured the web for random shit! :D Mainly just the same websites, over & over. I found this thing, an internet whore, called Boxxy? She's this cute girl with a kind of annoying voice who talks wayyy too fast. Apparently the 4chan people love this girl! They call her the Queen, and because of this creepy fandom, she's gone into hiding. Aww. Random tidbit of info for ya ^^

It's people like her, though, that make me feel like slapping somebody. She's overly cute, wears a ton of make up & reminds me of so many kids in my school. I dunno, Maybe it's because I've always wanted to be myself and be accepted at the same time. Well, it never happened. Not towards my schoolmates, at least. I can be myself with B and he loves it :3 

More of my day was spent with my pokemans. I luvs dem [:  I finally caught a Cubone! Did you know a Cubone is just a baby Kankasghan that lost its mother?! I didn't! D:  Why do the Japanese think of these things?! It just made me wanna cry.. Poor wittle Pokeman... I've been practicing my MarioKart too; game is ridiculous! It's not so hard alone, but when you have somebody to play against... Guh.

Oh! I forgot! I have an Anon stalker/ friend! Hi Greg Gregson! [:   Apparently I know him, but he won't say how... Oh well. Hopefully he isn't a super creep, but he says he isn't soooo.. n_n

For the 4th of July, B & I are going to the beach! n_n I have no idea what beach it is, nor do I know where we'll be staying, but oh well! I am vurry vury excited :D I'll be posting pictures more so get ready for pictures of le beach, of le possible job, & of summer in general!

I'll write tomorrow <3

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