Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hot Waiters. Omnomnom.

Yesterday, friends of the family tied the knot & I was invited to the wedding. It was supposed to be outside but was pouring, so they had it inside (where the bride didn't want it). So as soon as it all started, guess what stopped? You guessed it, the raining. And as soon as the whole ceremony ended, the rain started up again. AND then, the power went out during the First Dance. So we sat there for an hour or so, waiting for the power to kick on and eating.

Now, all I have to say is that the Waiter at this place was smoking hot. Maybe not so much hot as gorgeous. I felt like I wanted to just snag him and throw him in my purse. Or take him downstairs or the bathroom. (hintyhinty winkywinky). My mother, being the woman she is, was teasing me the whole night about it. "Hey Smokey. 'Why you callin' me that?' Cause you're smoking!" Had I been with my girls, oh I would have been all over that. Since I was at a wedding with my family, I sat there and blushed like a n00b and didn't look at him. My father sat down with us and watched as the waiter walked behind me, with me just sitting there not doing anything. So my parents decided to tease me more.
"That was your chance! You could have backed into him and been like 'Oops! Tehehehe!" (mom)
"Yeah and his package would have been like (slapping noise as he's hitting the side of his face) oh oh oh!" (dad)
"OMG! I'm not laughing at that, bahahahahaha!" (mom)

As the power finally came back on, this nice couple my family had been talking to decided to tell the waiter that I wanted him. Eff. My mom grabbed a napkin and decided to write a note to him. "HI! My name is Torie! Here's my number! Call me sometime!"


I crumpled that up quickly. There was NO way I was going to give that to anyone. So I wrote one. "hey, hit me up. torie." with my number, of course. As I was up dancing, my mom gave him the note. She really did. I didn't think she would, but she did.

I sat back with my family and I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's the Waiter.

"Hey, I'll text you when I get off work, I can't text now." As he's walking away. I was dumbfounded, flabberghasted, and, above all, I was speechless. So I just nodded and said, "Ok no problem..." Then I just turned to face my family and hide the massive redness of my blushing.

The night went on with me dancing more and finally heading home. At about 10ish, I get a text. "Hey this is Brett, the guy from the wedding lol."


The conversation kept going & I found out that he's 20. ouch. Personally, I didn't care. He could have been 27 and I still would have been on that like white on rice. But he said I was too young. He also said, "haha well your pretty cute your self when you get older give me a holla for sure."


Mission Accomplished.

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