Wednesday, July 1, 2009

mmGODS OF WAR! may your hammer be mighty

Well it's been about a week since I've posted. The grandfather has now left and I am free to move into my room once again! Problem: It's such a pain in the ass. I have to change the sheets, grab all of my clothes from the guest room, drag & hang them up and grab any electronic device and drag that over too. So I've been procrastinating on that note.

Good things to happen this week:
Went to another wedding, danced with my date's amazingly hot cousin. (sexygrowl)
Hung out with my best friends.
Made out with my newest boytoy. (ahahahaha)
Was sent 12 roses from my best from who is in Texas. (Ya think he likes me a lil?)
Hmm... Got lots of info from colleges!

I thought it might be stupid, but it was good. It has redeemed itself once more!

Now for some sad news.
Transformers was horrible.
Cry with me?
I loved the first one and was so excited to see the second one. So I talked to a friend of mine and we decided to go see it today. (wednesday). Maybe if I saw it in IMAX, it would have been better... I don't know. But it was pretty much 3 hours of quiet explosions and shitty stupid twin transformers. Ugh. I wanted to cry.

Hot Rod is an amazing movie.
"nnGods of WAR!"
"May your hammer be mightyyy!"


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