Saturday, July 25, 2009

I'm Back!

Whew. I never thought getting this surgery would be such a pain in the bum. Today is the first day I've been able to comfortably sit on my computer chair for more than 10 minutes. Since I've been in bed this whole time, nothing new or big has happened. I've talked to my cousin recently about going to college with her, out in Iowa. I don't want to go to any college in Maryland; I just want to go out and explore the world, even if I have to start here in the good Ol' USA.

With the help of my good friends Hannah and Juls, I was able to go out the other day! Okay, so we only went to Wal Mart, but we were there for 2 hours aaaaand I got to ride around on those fat-people scooters! :D Ahahaha, it was absolutely amazing. Those things are such a Godsend. Crutching was such a hassle and would have taken me forever. This thing was why we were there for two hours. At first, ok, I sucked at driving it. After about ten minutes, I was a beast.

The looks I got from people my age were comical to say the least. I didn't have my giant brace on, but my leg was wrapped up in gauze underneath my sweat pants. I guess since nobody could see, they were all wondering what I was doing and why nobody was saying anything to me. Thankfully, one of the workers at Wal Mart was a volunteer firefighter who helped me sit in it and get me situated, so I guess that's why nobody said anything to me.

We tried to get stationary, since Juls is moving back down to Florida and Hannah is going to...somewhere for a few weeks for vacation and we all decided to write to each other. I do so love those girls. I've been friends with them for years and I'm glad we haven't lost touch. Juls has always been the crazy one, but she is the one friend I think I have never fought with. Hannah Banana has always been there for me too, ever since 6th grade.

I think that's it for now. Sorry for the not-so-funny post. If it helps, my knee does hurt a little? Dunno why that'd help, haha.

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