Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One More Week!

It's been two weeks since I last saw my doctor, which means I have ONE MORE WEEK until I can start (trying) to walk again! I haven't gone out much, since most places don't exactly have scooters or wheelchairs or stuff and crutching is a hassle. Somebody else has to carry my purse and I'm not a very fast crutcher. Thank God for Wal-Mart and Kohls, though. Wal-Mart has scooters in there, and Kohls has wheelchairs. The looks I get from people are insane. They all seem to stare; I can almost read their questions. "What's wrong with her, she doesn't look cripple." "I wonder if she's terminal." "Is she contagious?" "Damn kid, probably fakin' it." It's quite the hassle. I don't like being the center of attention, but thankfully nobody asked. I'd be glad to show them the scars I have, let them know that I just got knee surgery, that it's nothing extreme. People just want to assume though.

This past weekend was my mother's 40th birthday party. For some reason, I was so tired and bored. Every family member came up and wanted to see the scar, wanted to know what I could and couldn't do and almost had a fit when I stood up on my own. It was like they'd never seen anything so amazing. "OHMYGOD SHE'S UP!!!"
Come on guys... I understand they worry, but it isn't as if I'm going to die from this. With my boredom and sleepiness, my best friend aka CHIKA and I agreed on going to Kohls. We spent a good 2 hours there, mainly rolling me around in my wheelchair and looking at things to get my Momma for her b-day. After we dropped that off and grabbed a bite to eat, Chika and I headed for her house.

Now, Chika lives on her own because of family issues and she's doing extremely well for herself. Since we're all teenagers, we had a little party. Not a crazy "EVERYBODYGETFUCKEDUP!!" party. Nah, more like a "Everyone sit around and drink and play Guitar Hero and Pong and other shit." I'm not a big partier, but during the Madre's party, my daddy-o let me drink a little so I figured "Eff it." Mike's Hard Lemonade and Smirnroff Ice, here I come. I only drank two beers, so don't try to be all high and mighty with me. Even so, it was an awesome night.

The following day, all we did was watch movies. Lots of them.
Good weekend, eh?

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