Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well, it's been quite a while, huh? Let's see, where do I begin?

Senior year has been amazing so far (: My junior year was absolutely horrible; I floundered between bouts of depression and ecstasy at the hands of a boy. It was a fatal relationship from the beginning. Too serious, too young, too soon. Two years of that put a terrible toll on me, and I began to steadily lose weight. No matter how upset he might have made me, at least I was happy with my body. Since my surgery, I'm not even happy with that. Maybe it's just something I have to live with, but I need to change it. Perhaps this is a girl thing, I don't know. All I know is that I am so ready to lose another ten pounds, preferably from my hips. I mean, I'm extremely top-heavy, and at 125 pounds, I look like a caricature. I'm only like five foot four! Grr.

Anyway, homecoming is next week! I'm pretty flippin' excited for that ^_^
Monday is decades day, and seniors get the 80s! Tuesday is Traitor Day, and we have to portray a certain school other than ours. Wednesday is color day and we get Blueeee. And thursday is TOGAY DAY!!! God I can't wait. It's my last homecoming of my life. (God forbid I start dating a kid younger than me...) I'm sad to be leaving high school, but I am SO ready to leave this little town. I feel like I've missed so much in life.

I wish I could tell you something funny that has happened in the past few days, but nothing is coming to mind. =/ I'm sorry! This is what happens when I don't write in forever! OH. I got a new boyfriend. This one's not as bad as the last one with the depression crap, buuttt he has his own baggage (as all men do). Oh well. It's only a few more months until college, so why not try something new?

I will DEFINITELY write tomorrow (:

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