Monday, January 18, 2010

<.< anyone listening?

okay okay, don't kill me. I know it's been a while, but I've been busy & I rarely use the computer unless I absolutely must. (Blackberry, holla ! ) In school, this site is blocked too, which is an extreme inconvenience.

So allow me to make a list of what has happened.
-dumped 2 guys before december, been datin' a new one (we'll call him B) since December 14 [:
-got a hyundai accent (CAR) and kindel for christmas
-fell in love with B
-realized that B is leaving for the navy in march & am now debating on how i'm going to get somewhere in the journalism field
-realized i have an insatiable love of zombies
-donated to Haiti (woo humanitarians!)
-failed my driving test (boo parallel parking)

and that's about it. i'm going to start writing more, don't worry. it may all come at once though. I've decided that I'm going to start writing in my journal daily; then, whenever I get online, I shall post it on here [: that way you guys won't be so heartbroken !

lately, i've been thinking about what to do career wise. I want to do something along the lines of journalism, but I don't know what. I think what I might try to do is create a story/book or something & try to get it published. I've got a million story ideas in my head without the patience to actually do anything with them. I mean, I've been reading a lot lately (B is an undercover nerd like me) and the more I read, the more I want to write. I'm reading The Road right now & while it's okay, I have to stop myself from tearing open my giant plethora of Zombie stories. I know what I want to write about; it's the brainstorming & actually writing it out that I put off.
I'll go through the day & narrate stuff. Sitting in class, if the teacher says something stupid & I start to zone, I'll just start thinking, "And she looked out the window, a lone bird catching her eye as it darted from the school yard", but stop myself before I get too into it. It's an addicting little habit of mine that is strictly within my brain. Can you imagine somebody actually narrating their life. (CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS REFERENCE :D)

Well my faithful followers, I bid thee goodnight. I shall return soon with many a story.

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