Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i need a hero (:

Hola senors y senioritas! Today has been rather productive. It's finals week, so I decided to only come for the days when we have testing aka 2 school days for me this week! (We have off monday & friday anyway, so I'm only missing one day...)

So last night, I was with B and, after eating an amazing plate of sgetti & meat, asked him to grab me popcorn. He forgot and I asked him again. Two more times & he forgot. When he finally sat back down, I was going to ask him but stopped. "What?"he asked. "Nothing babe, it's fine." "...POPCORN. On it." As he was leaving, he turned around and said,"See, I just read your mind right there." I made him stop before leaving and asked him to read my mind again. "babe, I can't. It's a one-time thing."
I pouted, waiting for him to read my mind. He looked at me, thought, and said "I love you." B is psychic. (:

it's now 1221 and i've been sitting in school reading MLIA for a good two hours or so. It's been pretty epic. I've been trying to get one of mine published, but it hasn't worked so far. I finished reading The Road today. Wasn't as good as I thought it was. B liked it a lot, but I suppose our tastes differ somewhat. I can't wait to start reading my massive ZOMBIE book. It's called The Walking Dead I believe, a collection of like 20 some zombie stories. B got it for my birthday, but when I finish that I'm going to read some stories via my kindel. I have to ask the folks to buy em for me though, since I don't have a steady job aka i'm broke. Once B leaves for the navy, all my time is going to be contained with jobs, writing & school. Sounds like oodles of fun, doesn't it? "/

it's 547 and i'm sitting at home, watching My Life as Liz. I love this show and I haven'teven fully watched the first episode. It may seem a little scripted, I'll agree. but it just makes me happy to see nerds on tv. i love star wars, pokemon, my nintendo DSI and the like. i just get so worried about what other people think about me so I don't show people that side of me. i'm getting out of it though, don't worry.

earlier i had a bit of a breakdown 'cause of the folks. i mean, it's mainly just the one. we don't get along (never have really) and fight all the time. speaking of which, i need to go do some laundry.... okay i'm going to post this and then do it. unless my dad brings it up to me... off topic, sorry. so the parents, we'll call 'em Z1 and Z2. z1 is the jerk. when i asked it to write me something for my baby ad, all it wrote was "we're so proud of your accomplishments!" to cover a full page. -_-' god dammit. it was just irritating & made me feel like "you couldn't write anything else? after eighteen years?" >.< gah!

i'm going to spend the weekend with B (: no school for me tomorrow, but i have to get my plates for my new christmas car & practice parallel parking.

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