Thursday, January 21, 2010


Good morning world. (:

After a very enlightening fight with z1 last night, it has offered to take me & B to go get the tags for my car. I'm going to leave soon to do that, and then head to B's house for the weekend. I love going there. It's such a nice environment away from the fighty-environment of my own family. I don't do much there; we read, watch movies, play video games. It's just a place to relax, where I can be myself and not have to worry about being mocked. I know they don't mean it when they mock me, but it's how my parents are. It's their way of showing affection & I personally hate it.

Anywho, I decided that I'm done trying to be something I'm not. I always try to dress pretty ish so that nobody teases me, but I'm done with that. It's not who I am. I mean, I like dressing up as in dresses & whatnot, but I'm not some prissy skank. I like Star Wars & Iron Maiden & Pokemon. I'm a nerd, an absolute nerd. Just because I'm stuck in a school that is socially shallow doesn't mean I have to reform to its standards. I like who I am and damn them if they don't.

Well all, I'm about to go get my tags. If I can, I'll write more tonight. (:

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