Sunday, January 24, 2010

Das Weekend !

1151AM-January 21
On my way to go get my car-tags with Z1 & B. I've been up since 730 & it's starting to hit me. Not to mention z1's driving. Guh >.> I just want to nap but with the car swishing & the sun in my eyes, it's just turning into a hellish nap-fuck.
So z1 asked about the blog & what it was about. When I said "Life", it groaned & said "Great." So it knows that I write about it, but thinks this is worse than it is. I'm not going to go and pour every single detail for the world to read; what if z1 stumbles upon this? I'd be grounded til I moved out "/
Ahhhhh love WaWa meatball subs :D They're sooo effin' amazing. After we got home, B put the tags on mah car for me (cause he's sweet & stuff), and then we drove over to his hoose. We just chilled and watched movies til das hairdresser came (a mutual friend of ours) and did mah hurr.
Goodness that lady can talk! I feel bad, cause she has nobody to associate with at home (her husband is in the army & her daughter is 5) so she has a lot to talk about. I think she's absolutely adorable, and she kind of has a lil crush thing on B (cause, well, he's hot) but it's okay. It doesn't bother me at all, ha.
I didn't get to bed until 1 ish "/ it was pretty ridiculous & I hated it. That's how I get when I'm tired though; i get pissy until i'm able to fall asleep. And once I was able to sleep, I was O-U-T out!
BAH! So I was up at 740AM today 'cause B had a dentist appointment: the dreaded root canal!! That took an hour and we got home at aroun 1140. Since I didn't get to sleep until 1 ish last night, I fell asleep as soon as we got home. A lovely two hours later & Mah tummy woke me up. (aaaand I was kind of lonely in that bed...) So i russled up a bowl of Coco Puffs, ate it & dragged a "I'm not tired" B into bed. As soon as he laid down, he was twitchin' away in a fit of sleep.
Another hour later & we were up; B's mom was lookin up cute little bumper stickers for him/us. Since he's going into the navy, we're pretty muched decked out in that shit, ha. The myspace is decked out in Navy-ness, my key-thing has a navy button on it, i have a shirt with an anchor on it & i'm getting an anchor belly button ring. His mom made us go & grab his prescriptions for his mouth-medication. While we were waiting, we looked at a prom magazine.
I don't think I'm going to go to Prom this year; if I do, I'm not going balls-out like last year. A nice black dress, hair up? and with my friends as dates. I dunno if partying would be an option; I don't know many people who would have a party. Actually, that's a lie. My ex would have one, but I wouldn't want to go. It'd be awkward & weird; if anything, I'd just go over to my best friend's house or something. It's gong to suck without B :( Life in generally is going to suck without him. He's way more than just my boyfriend; he's my best friend. I have honestly never had a better connection with somebody before. He is literally the male version of me. Sometimes I think the 2 year age gap caues our opinions to differ, but I do love him. I get worried about the future though; will we make it? How much will we chaneg over the next 4 years? Will we still love each other as much then as now? They say absence makes the heart grow fonder; I hope that's true (: I don't want to lose him.

Oh boredom. It drives us to do some pretty pointless shit. We had nothing to do, at all, so we decided to go take some pictures. If i may say so, my pictures were pretty badass.
While we were driving around, I realized that we were close to my grandmother's house. Now, usually I'm not a "let's-get-together!" with my family kind of person, but I figured to surprise her. To grandmother's house we went! Since she's a hardcore Scrabble fan, that's what we ended up doing for two hours. She was kickin' both of our asses, so B & I decided to keep the competition between us. He pwned me. :(
On our way home, B asked if I wanted to go to his friend's house, 'cause he was having some people over. My first thought: "Mehhhhhh." I get pretty shy around people I don't know, so I wasn't too thrilled. Not to mention I was wearing jeans that made me muffin-top & B's underarmor. Buut I just went home, changed my shirt & figured I looked good enough to go. Honestly, it was really fun. I knew most of the people there (only 4 people were there & I knew half!) so it turned out to not be so awkward. Since I had to drive, I didn't drink, but when they startedo playing Kings, they let me draw the card. B had to drink for me :p
Well all, since today isn't over, not everything has happened! So I shall record it in my journal & re-write it on here for everything else to enjoy. (:

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