Friday, January 29, 2010

Christian Rock Concerts?

So, it's been a few days. Let's see... My new classes are amazing (: I have:
Intro to Sociology
Creative Writing
Math (ewh!)

I'll be honest. There's something I need to tell you guys and it's blocking my mind so much that I can't even focus on whatever has happened after yesterday.

B likes this Christian Rock Band called Fireflight. Now, if you know me (which you don't but you'll get to), I'm not religious. I hate organized religion because of my Bible-beating family. Since he controls the radio when I drive, he put their music on & I liked it. His birthday is this weekend and he texted me telling me they were having a concert tomorrow for $10. Being the lovely girlfriend I am, I decided to get out of school early to go, since I knew he'd want to.

It wasn't until I was driving to his house that I remembered they were a CHRISTIAN ROCK band. -_-' Lord help me.
B's best friend, R, his girlfriend RG & R's dad, RD all wanted to go too because they're actually Christians as well as musically inclined. It took about an hour and a half to get there, so B did my homework and read some of my Creative Writing work. When we got there, it was probably about 30 some degrees out and I only had on jeans, ugg boots, a shirt and a jacket. It was 415. The concert didn't start until 6. Fuck my life.
Time went by relatively fast; it didn't feel like 2 hours, just a really long 15 minutes ha. When we went in, we got seats and then B & I got some food. $13 for FOUR chicken fingers, a pretzel & a soda. What the hell?!
The General Admission was a "Free-for-all" type deal, meaning it's not a real concert haha. But R and RG went into the "crowd" while B, RD & I all sat together. Can you say boring? There were some good times. There was this one lady doing the crazy irish-jig from Borat that all the nutter religious people do. She was entertaining until the crowd actually grew.
It didn't really get "poppin'" until our band went up. They were loud as hell, amazing live and I just wanted to go jump into the crowd and surf them. But... nobody was moving. There was nobody head-banging, nobody jumping around, nobody moshing. Now, I'm used to Iron Maiden concerts, where it's so crowded you can barely breathe. Here.... there was just no emotion for it.

B & I left after that 'cause some guy got on stage and preached for about an hour. For that house, we did nothing but eat popcorn and take pictures, and that was ten times better than sitting in there was.
When we went back in (we thought it was done), it turned out there were still 2 bands left. I couldn't tell you about the first band but the second was obviously the best of the bunch. Everyone knew their lyrics and rose their hands in that "touching God" thing. When they finished, the lead singer was singing some worship song and everyone stood up, rose their hands and sang in unison together as this bright yellow light was shone upon them.
Can I just say that it was the creepiest thing ever? It might sound "beautiful" to some people, but if you were in the audience just chillin' and watching them, it was like a hoarde of brainwashed zombies. And I LOVE zombies. Not these ones though. Instead of sucking out your brain and leaving you, they'd suck out your brain and then nail you to a cross.

Urgh. It was just... bad.

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