Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Snow Go Away...

Oh the weather people. How I loathe thee.

Since it's B's birthday this weekend, I wanted to go to the mall and get him some presents (since his big gift won't be here in time ;-: ). As we start driving, there are cute little flurries in the road. I am a Novice Driver- I got my license about 4 days ago. The snow is terrifying to me, especially when I can't see. So, being the absolutely amazing boyfriend B is, he decided to drive for us. Yay! :D Being the philosopher I am, I was watching the snow and shrugged.
"Well, it's only sticking to the road. It shouldn't be that bad."
"We need the road..."

Well, we got to the mall and dashed into Barnes & Nobles, where we spent a good 1-1 1/2 and only bought 3 books. I love that store (: It's so nice and calming and I can just bask in the glow of all those amazing books. OH. There was a guy sleeping in there too; talk about hilarious. I was walking down an aisle when, all of a sudden, I heard this primal, throaty "Mraaooowww". (That's how you type a snore). It kind of scared me, so I looked around and, sure enough, there was this older black man just chillin, head in his hands, book slightly tipping off his  knee and snoring. At first I thought he might have been homeless, but on further inspection (of the bags he obviously obtained while shopping), I don't think he was. What do I know, I could be wrong.

So, to cut this a little short, I bought B a TapOut/Tekken6 shirt 'cause his favorite character, Brian Fury, wears it. (What a dork, right ? ) My mother bought him some weird Catholic pendent thing to keep him from harm while he's away at the Navy buuuuut... I dunno. I thought it was pretty much a waste of $80, but if he likes it then kudos to her.

Since the Barnes & Nobles is pretty flippin' HUGE, we could see the snow and, in turn, what we would be driving home in. I bought a book, One Second After, about EMP and how we'd be utterly fucked if that were to ever legit happen. The snow had reached abotu 2 inches but, on roads, that meant "FUCK."  B drove once again and we almost had an accident on our hands (Stupid other driver took up our lane and we couldn't stop, but the curb stopped us from spinning and hitting them). Other than that, the only scary part was coming back to my house. I live in a very hilly development and, coming down the hill to my house, we couldn't stop. It wasn't like 'AHHH OMFG WTF FTW WE'RE DOOMED!!!!!!!11111!!!ONE!!" Nahh. More like: "Ehhhhhh I can't stop."
"Oh noooooo! *nervous laughter ensues*"
All we had to do was turn around at the bottom of the hill and go back up.

Today is B's birthday and I do believe we're going tp Buffalo Wild Wings (he wants to watch the ProBowl). He's 20 today, two years senior to my mere 18. But that means the month is over, and there are only 29 more days with him. I don't know what I'm going to do while he's away... Well, I plan on working lots, working out & filling the rest of my time with school. I'm going to the community college for the next two years until I can go live with him. It's odd. Before, with the only other person I had ever "fallen in love" with, I don't think I knew the difference between love and lust. That relationship was literally just sexual and it wasn't worth the pain I went through. We didn't get along the way B & I do. It's only been about 2 months, but we don't fight and understand each other perfectly. I mean, we can get annoyed with each other but we both know when to stop and laugh about it. I can't stay mad at him and he doesn't get mad at me ha. I really think I love him. Not stupid kid love that you get when you're 12 or 15. No. I'm talking travel-the-world-for-the-rest-of-our-lives love. The love in Up. And I hope to the high heavens and whoever runs them that it stays that way.

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